Iowa State Patrol raises money for hospitalized officer and family

Written by on December 11, 2019

Iowa State Patrol Officer Jared Rude of Decorah has been unresponsive in the ICU since falling in his home Dec. 7. Rude was airlifted to La Crosse where is wife and children anxiously wait for good news.

The State Patrol is selling t-shirts with 100 percent of the proceeds going directly to Jared’s Recovery Fund at Decorah Bank. The deadline to order is Dec. 25.

Donations can be made to Decorah Bank in the mail or by paying through PayPal at

Decorah Bank & Trust
Account: Jared Rude Recovery Fund
202 East Water Street
P.O. Box 380
Decorah, IA 52101

The family is also accepting donations via gofundme.

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