Hunger Task Force Plans Distribution Day

Written by on May 27, 2020

Wow! We’ve done a great job here in the coulee region with helping on Food Drive Fridays for the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse! They have been busy every Friday with truckloads of generous contributions of food and monetary donations. Currently, $3 Billion has been offered from USDA to purchase fresh produce, meat, and dairy products.  As part of the Hunger Relief Federation of Wisconsin, The Hunger Task Force is receiving supplemental food items from the Dairy Recovery Program and the CFAP (Coronovirus Food Assistance Program). The products will be boxed and distributed through Federation partners like us throughout the state to help Wisconsin families. In keeping with the La Crosse County recommendations for social distancing, The Hunger Task Force will hold a public drive-through distribution of these boxes at their warehouse at 1240 Clinton St. from 4-6pm (or until gone) every Friday through the end of June.

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