Congressional Medal of Honor

Written by on December 3, 2020

Bauer’s Market and Garden Center 7AM Pledge of Allegiance Shout Out with Duke ! Today We honor a Congressional Medal of Honor winner from St. Paul , Minnesota. On December 3rd, 1950 Lieutenant Colonel John U. D. Page ( a Princeton University Graduate) was tasked with the transportation of US Soldiers and Marines off the Chosin Plateau in Korea. Thousands of US troops were trapped near the Chosin Reservoir, with temperatures well below zero. Page could have been evacuated to safety on several occasions, but instead stayed and formed His truck drivers into a fighting and engineering unit, taking up arms against the North Koreans and Chinese. Page put His own life in Danger many times in the Mountain passes that lead down to safety. During the Fall back down the treacherous Mountain trail, Page was killed by enemy fire on December 11, 1950. He had been in Combat for only 13 days. Leadership from the front, a lesson to All.

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