“Christmas Angel” Returns Expensive Lost Luggage

Written by on December 10, 2020

A couple in Pinellas County, Florida, is calling a Good Samaritan their “Christmas Angel” after the man returned their lost luggage containing nearly $1 million worth of jewelry. Joe and his wife Elif Fitzgerald said the man found their valuable luggage in the road after it fell out of their truck on the way home from their annual Denim and Diamonds charity event. Joe told the publication that the bag fell out when the back hatch opened, but neither one of them knew it was even gone. But when Elif looked at her phone, she saw dozens of missed calls and text messages telling her that someone had found their bag with the jewelry still inside. Dr. Joe Fitzgerald called the man their “Christmas Angel, “I was completely shocked that they returned it. I have valuable jewelry. It’s an amazing feeling knowing there are people out there like that man.”

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