Tom Cruise Tells Crew On His Movie To Follow Protocols …Or Else

Written by on December 17, 2020

Tom Cruise is one of those Hollywood actors that is both revered and loved, but also has his share of odd moments that have made him the butt of jokes. Whether you like him or not you can’t deny he’s one of the biggest money makers in Hollywood history. The other day on the set of his most recent Mission: Impossible film some crew members weren’t following Covid-19 protocols and Tom let them know he was not happy. He was recorded tearing them a new one, basically. Now it was not a typical “don’t you know who I am” famous person tirade. He was mad because he was thinking about all the people that work on the set could lose their jobs and are already struggling. Maybe not the best way to present your case, but his heart was in the right place thinking of others and not himself.

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