Corporal King George

Written by on December 30, 2020

It was 30 Years ago today When George Strait had the Number 1 Country song in America to end the Year. ” I’ve come to expect it from You”. 19 years before that George enlisted in the US Army in 1971, not Every Guy did that in ’71. George was assigned to the Infantry and sent to Hawaii. He started playing in a band on the base. Apparently he was good enough to keep Him from being sent to Vietnam. The band was called Ramblin Country. George finished His time in The Army and was honorably discharged in 1975. he went to college and got a degree in Agriculture. He decided to giving music a full time shot, and well, You know the rest. Bauer’s Market and Garden center gives a shout out Pledge of allegiance with DUKE to Corporal George Strait.

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