Tiger Woods Car Accident Causes Leg Injuries That Require Surgery

Written by on February 24, 2021

Tiger Woods is by far the most fascinating golfer in the world if not the most fascinating athlete. His rise as a young player and then subsequent downfall was the thing of tabloid news stories. This last year there was a biopic done about him on HBO that shed new light on his life and comeback story. When this story popped up yesterday I’m sure a number of people wondered if he had some sort of relapse. According to the police this was simply an accident. Woods was rescued from the vehicle by emergency crews and rushed to the hospital. He had surgery on his legs including having a rod inserted to secure his tibia and had several screws put in his ankle and foot. You can only hope he comes out OK and can continue his career. Looking at his vehicle you know he’s lucky to be alive and – according to reports there were no skid mark on the road indicating that he hit the brakes. Hopefully when he’s had time to heal he can tell us all what happened.

Tiger Woods: Car crash believed to be accidental with no signs of impairment, sheriff says – CNN

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