HBO Re-releases “Justice League” Dubbed The Snyder Cut

Written by on March 18, 2021

So a few years ago Warner Bros. and DC Comics wanted to cash in on the super success of super hero movies. Marvel Comics, which is part of Walt Disney is the pinnacle of this genre at the moment with it’s string of successful movies that appealed to comic book fans and the general public with more to come. The epic end to the recent run being Avengers: Endgame where every hero you saw before got together in an annormous team up to beat the bad guy. DC and WB made a slight miscalculation when they tried to harness the same vibe, but didn’t build narratives around their characters and went right to the team up with ‘Justice League”. Needless to say it didn’t go over well as movie goers weren’t as invested yet in those characters and the movie just wasn’t great. Zack Snyder had a family emergency so director Joss Whedon, of Marvel fame jumped in to finish it up. Fans always wanted to see the vision Snyder had for the film and they are getting their way. If you have HBOMax you can log on and stream what is now a 4 hour retelling of the story through Snyder’s direction.

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