Singleton Took On The Enemy Single Handed

Written by on March 24, 2021

Walter K. Singleton was a Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, Company A, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3d Marine Division. He earned the Congressional Medal Of Honor for his daring attack on enemy forces. Sgt. Singleton’s company was conducting combat operations when the lead platoon received intense small arms, automatic weapons, rocket, and mortar fire from a well entrenched enemy force. The extremely heavy enemy fire caused numerous friendly casualties. Feeling that the injured needed to be moved quickly, Sgt. Singleton quickly moved from his rear position and made numerous trips through enemy fire to move the injured men. He then took a machinegun and assaulted the key enemy location, delivering devastating fire as he advanced. He forced his way through a hedgerow directly into the enemy position. Although he was mortally wounded, his fearless attack killed 8 of the enemy and drove the remainder from the hedgerow. Sgt. Singleton’s bold actions completely disorganized the enemy defense and saved the lives of many of his comrades. His brave actions that day saved many lives.

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