Wheel Of Fortune Contestant Misspeaks And The Internet Is Mad (Of Course)

Written by on April 2, 2021

On Wednesday I happened to be home in time to see Wheel Of Fortune. We never watch “The Wheel” when we’re home. However, my wife’s friend was visiting from Northern Minnesota and she likes to watch it so we indulged her. Needless to say it paid off as I got to witness history.

Dave was all lined up to win with a spin for some cash and basically read what was in front of him. Pat Sajak said many times, “Don’t add any words that aren’t on the board.” If it wasn’t important they would have edited out the several times Pat said that. Why I think Dave heard that instruction his brain hiccuped and he added the word “and” before saying the final word. He lost the puzzle and it went back to the original contestant that had done all the work. She solved it and went on to dominate most of the episode and made it to the final round. Dave, unfortunately could never climb out of his doom spiral and never had another positive spin the rest of the episode. His anger and embarrassment was plastered all over his face the entire time.

So now all “The Wheel” fans around the internet got their undies in a bunch over Dave and the rule that caused his loss and in no way affected them at all. Will they get it overturned and Dave will be brought back on a future episode? Who knows? Rather, who cares?

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