KQ98 Salute-Iowans at Shiloh

Written by on April 6, 2021

Bauer’s Market and Garden center brings Us today’s KQ98 Salute at 7AM with DUKE. April 6th, 1862, The Civil War battle of Shiloh began Southwest of Nashville, just north of the Mississippi border. 6,664 Iowans, in 11 regiments were engaged in the battle, most of them were deployed in an area called the Hornet’s Nest. In the two days of ferocious fighting, 2,409 Iowans were killed. 1 out of every four Union soldiers killed was an Iowan, 600 miles from Home. 23,000 American troops from both sides were killed in two days of fighting. God Bless Brave Americans killed 162 years ago at the Battle of Shiloh.

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