Adam Sandler Responds to Waitress’ Video Of Him At IHOP

Written by on May 4, 2021

Celebrities go out to eat too, and it isn’t always at some super fancy or expensive locale. Recent Dayanna Rodas, a waitress at IHOP was seating customers and informing them that it was a 30 minute wait. One customer happened to be actor Adam Sandler and his daughter. When he heard the wait time he decided to not eat there. Daynna didn’t notice who was waiting and only figured it out later when looking at the security camera. She put up a Tik Tok video to express her disappointment in not recognizing him.

A few days later Sandler responded with a Tweet as to why he moved on. I think it was best they didn’t give him preferential treatment as it would have embarrassed him and made the other customers mad.

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