Giant Wood Moth Gives Students Something To Talk About

Written by on May 7, 2021

Australia seems at times to be full of nothing but nightmare animals. Most of them are bugs or arachnids and this story is not different. Students working on a project discovered a giant wood moth and shared the picture on social media and it has taken off. Living in the mid-west we all know about having the outside porch light on and the bugs fluttering and buzzing around it. If the light is right over the door you run the risk of letting in an insect friend or two. They aren’t dangerous, but they are just annoying and some are creepy, and to those with phobias they are terrifying, but they are harmless. Moths can look huge when they are hovering above us or just clinging to the wall in fear. Sometimes you can convince them to leave peacefully out the open door. However, most times they get hit with a flyswatter of grabbed with a tissue and flushed down the toilet. Well the pictured moth from Australia you would need a baseball bat and it looks like the equivalent of trying to flush a pigeon down the drain. What would you do if this was flying around the hallway chandelier in your home?

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