Cyclist Has A Close Encounter Of The Bird Kind

Written by on May 24, 2021

I’ve had animals run out in front of me multiple times. The majority of times I’ve avoided them by applying the brakes or them being decisive in their travel path and we both come out unscathed. This weekend the wife and I were traveling to Winona and a bird hit the frame of our open sunroof. BAM! It sounded like we hit a turkey with as loud as it was. Luckily it bounced back out of the vehicle and didn’t land in one of our laps. We turned around to take a look and it was a small sparrow. I guess at 55MPH it always sounds worse. Why this bird made the decision to do this we will never know. Just like in the following video, we don’t know why this hawk has a reputation for dive bombing cyclists. At least in this case we got a cool video of the incident.

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