Minnesota State Fair Releases List Of Beers And Beverages

Written by on August 5, 2021

When I attend the “Great Minnesota Get Together” I don’t tend to drink too much alcohol. We’ve generally gone as a family and I don’t want to stumble all over the grounds and drip Big Fat Bacon syrup all down the front of me due to not being able to find my mouth. When I see the list of brews and other beverages to try this year I start to rethink my strategy. There are so many good sounding flavors on this list I start to think, “Well, I will be walking quite a bit and I’ll be eating so that should break it up. Soooo….” Those seem like legit excuses. As my wife said, “I think they would need to pour me out of the Fair if I tried all the ones that sound good.” Now not every beer I see on this list excites me, and I’m sure that’s true for everyone. However, this extensive list just goes to show that there is something for EVERYONE to try, enjoy, and share their experience about. Flavors are in wide of variety as you can imagine and can be found all over the grounds. They even have a map you can download and print out so you can plan your drink tour. I’ve had the Mini Doughnut Beer and a few others on the list and usually get a Blueberry Grain Belt there because they serve it ice cold on tap and it is great on a hot day. Never been disappointed! I encourage you to check out this long list of bevvies and maybe plan a tour of beers at the Minnesota State Fair that might take you a couple of days to complete.

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