La Crescent Appleseed Theatre Presents ‘Boxcar Children’- August 5-8th

Written by on August 6, 2021

Appleseed Community Theatre provides opportunities for La Crescent area youth and adults, of all ages and abilities, to participate in the theatrical experience. This could be roles as actors, volunteers, production staff, musicians, and audience members. Their production of ‘Boxcar Children’ opened last night, but they have more shows coming up this weekend (August 6-8). The shows are held at the La Crescent High School Fine Arts Center.

Z93’s Morning Buzz caught up with one of the directors, Kaleb Smith, to learn more about the production.

Dates and show times:

  • Friday, August 6th at 7pm
  • Saturday, August 7th at both 2pm and 7pm
  • Sunday, August 8th at both 2pm and 5pm

Buy your tickets in advance here or you can purchase at the door. Tickets are $12 and kids 5 and under are free.

You may also know some of the actors in this production!

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