Written by on September 20, 2021

People are losing their minds over GAMES! High school games that teach kids a multitude of life skills as well as the sport itself. Why? No one really knows. Is it because of the “everyone deserves a participation ribbon” mentality or is it that people feel more emboldened by their “rights” to harass someone because they can get away with it anonymously online and think that carries over into real life. Maybe people are just too concerned with what they get to post online and if it isn’t something that makes them or their kids look like a superstar that they are being cheated. I just don’t get this story: someone blocked the refs into the locker room with a vending machine because they didn’t like the calls during the game which included an assistant coach getting a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. Really? Are you that chapped because of a football game that you act like a criminal? Because that’s what this becomes when you attempt things that could potentially cause someone harm or trap them. It took all three refs to push the door open just to get out. What’s happening now? The ref crew is filing charges against the school for how they were treated and rightfully so. No official should be treated in this manner and it’s a huge problem in this country. I’ve seen it in multiple sports and at multiple levels. It’s horrible and all it does is cause less people want to step up to officiate games for these kids. I’m really sorry your kid had to learn about losing and disappointment in a game that won’t affect them for the rest of their life so you decided to teach them that a criminal act was a good way to handle it. (That last line should be read extremely sarcastically). I hear from teachers, activities directors, and school officials all the time how hard it is to find officials and sometimes having to schedule games on a Saturday or reschedule games entirely at the last minute. Advice: be mad if you don’t like a call and be upset for your kid and their team. You have that right and I’ve been there too as a parent and coach, but don’t take it farther than that because the next locked door might be you in a cell.

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