WATCH: An Amateur Cars Epic Fail Trying to Jump a Row of Cars

Written by on September 28, 2021

When you see an open corn field, a homebuilt ramp and a row of cars you know something serious is about to go down. What could go wrong?

A video shared to Itemfix by a guy named Paul, shows what looks like a Grand Marquis traveling at a high rate of speed down a dirt road alongside of a cornfield, and then hitting a ramp that he apparently missed with all four wheels resulting in the car flipping upside down, roof first smashing into the first car in a line of cars before flipping and landing upright. Watch the video here.

A few of the spectators or “safety crew” run to the car with fire extinguishers to see if the driver is okay. Meanwhile, whatever kind of crowd gathered to witness this event cheer loudly in the background.

Once the crew reach the car the video stops so we assume the driver is okay? We hope he had a seatbelt on along with all the right safety gear. Still, scary looking crash. Maybe he should’ve left it to the pros.

Cover Photo: Nishant Aneja/Pexels

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