Written by on November 17, 2021

The Hershey’s Company

In case you missed it Hershey’s, who own Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups recently announced they were selling pie sized cups for Thanksgiving. That’s right, an entire Reese’s cup the size of the pie grandma is pulling out if the oven to serve on Turkey Day! Some would say that is the best thing they have heard all year. Personally I like Reese’s but that would just be too much of a slice of pie to have. All I would hear in my head would be Wilford Brimley repeating the word “diabetes” as I took every bite. Too much of a good thing is something that exists. Of course consumers HAVE to have something like this just to tell people that they had it and it immediately sold out online. Just like anything else there are the haves and the have nots in this scenario and there are a good amount of the haves that are trying to profit from those that missed out on the giant confection by selling them online. You could originally order it for about $45 from Hershey’s. However, if you go into the aftermarket for them you may have to pay slightly more to have the ultimate talking piece as part of your Thanksgiving Day meal. Checking in on ebay I saw them listed from $250 to as much as $500 and you know somebody will pay that much for them. There are certain items that might be worth paying a lot of money for during the holidays if it was maybe made by someone famous such as Martha Stewart or Guy Fieri. But this is just a giant peanut butter cup that, the more I think about it makes my mouth feel sticky and my stomach a bit sour eating that much sugar regardless of how tasty it might be. To each their own I guess and if you feel this will enhance your Thanksgiving more than a homemade apple or pumpkin pie then go for it. At this point though you will be paying more than the experience might be worth. You can read more about it by clicking here or check out the ebay listings here.

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