Written by on December 17, 2021

Memes have become a part of everyday life on social media. Before the internet had pictures of our favorite moments in TV and cinema to share and then use as responses to posts we just quoted them out loud. There was never a wrong place or time for a well placed Ron Burgandy “Anchorman” quote or perhaps a one liner from Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, or Maximus Decimus Meridius from “Gladiator”. If you don’t agree, then by the beard of Zeus you must be locked in a glass case of emotion. Some scenes have become their own living, breathing entity it seems with them popping up at will on almost any social media post. Now even everyday occurrences caught on camera have become meme worthy with pictures like “Ermagerd”, the “derp kid”, and NBA player Nick Young having questions. It seems no person is safe and no moment sacred anymore. One of the more popular memes on the internet involves actor Keanu Reeves. Reeves has been one of the more likable celebrities in Hollywood due to his very humble nature and memorable characters. He has played the lovable goof Ted Theodore Logan in the “Bill and Ted” trilogy, and his most recent popular role as the most dangerous former assassin John Wick shows his range as an actor going from lighthearted comedy to dark brooding killer. Reeves is also popular as a meme where we just feel like we relate to him and can use this image to convey our own sadness through a simple picture. I’m of course talking about “sad Keanu”. A picture taken of Reeves sitting on a bench eating a sandwich like he’s out in public just like everyone else. Take a look.

Sad Keanu meme

What is he thinking about? What is making him sad? Is it the sandwich? It it because he doesn’t have anyone to share it with? Does he miss Bill? Did he forget to download the kq98 app to his phone? We have never really known until now. On a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Keanu told everyone what he was really doing on the bench that day and how it has now inspired new art. It’s a short moment, but at least we finally know.

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