Jurassic Gardens Indoor Dinosaur Park: A short 4-Hour Drive from La Crosse

Written by on January 3, 2022

Like most kids, when I was little I was OBSESSED with dinosaurs. I remember how excited I was to see the movie Jurassic Park when it came out in theaters back in 1993. They are still fascinating even as an adult.

If you or your kids want to experience dinosaurs and the Jurassic World, there is family-friendly dinosaur park called Jurassic Gardens which is located in Volo, Illinois. Volo has a population of around 2,900 people and is located just northwest of Chicago, about a 4-hour drive from La Crosse.

The park has over 30 animatronic, life-like dinosaurs, and dinosaur fossils and skeletons. There is also a gift shop, outdoor play area and a Raptor arcade where you can win prizes.

There are other sites to be seen at the park. It is located within the Volo Auto Museum which also houses an antique mall and pizza place.

The park is open daily from 10AM-5PM. General admission to just Jurassic Gardens is $15.95 and free for children under 5. However, admission to BOTH Jurassic Gardens and Volo Auto Museum is $31.95 for adults, children 5-12 at $24.95, seniors (65 and over) at $29.95, and veterans and military with ID at $28.95. Combo tickets are good for both parks for two consecutive days. Plan your visit by going here, and see more on their Facebook page here.

Cover photo: AP Photo/Sven Kaestner

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