Written by on January 4, 2022

Sitting at most professional sporting events has it’s own unique perspective. Some places make you feel like you’re right in the action and some make you feel like you’re sitting so far away you might as well be at home. Football, basketball, and baseball get you pretty close to the action where you need to keep your eyes open for a wayward ball or even a player flying at you. For hockey you get one of the best fan experiences if you get to sit “on the glass”. That means you’re in the front row with a sheet of plexiglass between you and the players as they and the puck bang into the boards right in front of you. A real lucky few get to sit right behind the team benches where you can literally let them know what you think about them with the glass protecting you from the opposing team’s biggest goon. One fan did something that has most likely saved a man’s life. At a Vancouver Canucks versus a Seattle Kraken game a woman named Nadia took a picture of the back of a coaches neck and used it to inform him that the mole she could see was most likely cancerous. It has become a feel good story because she was right and he got the help he needed.

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