ARE YOU TAKING THE #BettyWhiteChallenge?

Written by on January 17, 2022

The internet is full of things for you to try and/or challenge yourself. Some are stupid and I fully believe were started by dumb people just smart enough to get dumber people to participate (See: Tide pod challenge). Others are made to help bring awareness to a cause or to help raise funds for a legitimate reason. There is one such challenge going on and it’s for a good reason. #BettyWhiteChallenge has been popping up in honor of the late actress across all social media platforms. Betty was a huge advocate for animals and made donations to multiple organizations. Betty was taken too early and on the final day of 2021 at the age of 99 due to a stroke she suffered earlier that week. In honor of her birthday where she would have been 100 years old today people are making donations to their favorite animal welfare charities whether it’s nationally known or a local organization. So if you love animals and America’s Sweetheart, Betty White then you can gladly and confidently get on this worldwide challenge today and support your favorite animal charity or shelter! Also, Google Betty White today for a … friendly message.

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