Written by on January 20, 2022

One of the risks of going to a scene when reporting on an occurrence is becoming part of the scene itself. Reporters are always trying to get the best angle for a shot for TV, or if they’re with the newspaper find the best person to quote and get some perfect pictures. There have been videos over the years of reporters getting too close and paying the price. In this video from West Virginia a young reporter is trying to do an on the scene report about a water main break that was most likely due to the weather. As she gets ready to report a truck just runs in to her! She’s OK and she goes on to deliver the report even though she is visibly shaken. What might be the only funny thing in the video is the anchorman back at the studio who seems emotionally neutered to what just transpired. Seriously, watch this twice and on the second viewing just watch and listen to him. I’ve seen robots at fun parks with more emotion than him.

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