Written by on February 8, 2022

Have you ever seen a scary movie and worried about someone in your backseat? Has a friend ever hidden back there and jump scared you? How would you respond to that? A few weeks ago I went and saw the new “Scream” movie and when I got to my truck I literally looked in my backseat because the movie so full of moments like that. Imagine opening your car door and seeing mud caked on your seat and not knowing how it got there. Did your friends do it to mess with you or did you leave the doors unlocked and a random stranger laid in there? Was it Dirty Mike and The Boys??? A mystery to be solved for sure. A woman in Canada had this happen to her and she handled it in the calmest manner I can imagine is possible. She found her driver’s seat muddy one morning and cleaned it thinking that maybe a friend sat there after they had gone out “wheeling” as she says. Then 3 days later she gets in her car and hears a male voice say, “Hey.” Of course she videoed the entire interaction and subsequent arrest of a naked man in her trunk. The fact that she barely flinched to the entire interaction is amazing enough, but beyond that is that he was living and traveling wherever she went for 3 day without further detection. She talks with him like she’s asking a kid what they’re up to while they manage to get their head stuck in the banister. It would be hard to believe if there wasn’t video. I think she handled this way better than I or anyone else I know would have. It may have helped that he bis the son of the Pope.

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