Written by on February 21, 2022

Some moments that are actually pretty ordinary seem to encapsulate other moments in their similarities. When we have a bad day or a rough week at work we lean on the fact that it’s Friday and when something goes wrong we can say, “Thank God it’s Friday!” Or perhaps someone points out with a meme how being the kid who talked too much in class and had it added to their report card are now benefiting with a career where their gift for gab gives them a leg up. Sometimes we see someone fail so badly at something we relate that to our daily life. For instance, Eli Apple did not have a great Super Bowl performance and the next day at work or school you’re not doing well and say, “Man, I’m really Eli Apple-ing it today.” In football, they have a term that came up in the last 20+ years that when a wide receiver out jumps a defensive back in epic fashion it is referred to as getting “Mossed” in reference to Hall Of Fame Vikings wide receiver Randy Moss and his historic ability to out jump everyone for the ball. This video I came across which is building some viral steam is the epitome of having a great moment only to be suddenly and surprisingly defeated shortly thereafter. It feels very much like “a case of the Mondays” in that every success is quickly destroyed by failure. The young man’s look of joy that quickly becomes one of quizzical disappointment is epic, and his continued look of dejection as he reflects on his accomplishments makes the video even more entertaining. It was also an encapsulation of what we deal with in the Midwest when it comes to weather and how it can be wonderful one moment and suddenly ruin everything in another. I was left wondering if he went and got a stick or broom to tip the ball out and also break apart the net encased in ice or if he remembered the hoop could be lowered for him to get the ball out.

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