Written by on March 2, 2022

I don’t think I’m smarter than everyone and I certainly don’t think I would breeze through most game shows. Some are just based on luck and some are based on skill while others are just straight up smarts. There have been rare moments in my life that I got the question correct on Jeopardy that wasn’t directly in my wheelhouse of useless knowledge. When there was a snow day or sick day from school I was really good at The Price Is Right. Now, I’m not sure how well I would do except for bidding $1 when I think everyone has overbid or $1 more than the highest bid when I think it’s close. Wheel Of Fortune is the perfect mix of luck and skill. Using their clues and knowing how to spell is only part of it because that wheel can bite you at any time. Over the years we have seen contestants say bad things, have terrible spins, and have some of the worst guesses. Last night’s episode of WOF got a ton of attention for the painful stretch of bad guesses the contestants had along with the uncomfortable feeling in the air. You almost felt like Pat Sajak was going to start yelling at them in a few moments. Just watch the clip and bathe in the uncomfortable tension.

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