Written by on March 7, 2022

So often we see videos online of people making mistakes when singing. They miss a note or word and the Internet goes into attack mode. This is amplified greatly when The National Anthem is the song being performed. There is a reason that singers for the Super Bowl usually lip sync so that they can’t really screw it up. Going way back before the Internet was a thing actress and comedian Rosanne Barr was asked to sing it at a major league baseball game for the Sand Diego Padres which seemed odd enough. Her rendition was so purposefully atrocious that she got lambasted on TV and radio and the video was played regularly for quite some time as people discussed it. She always maintained that the players talked her into it thinking it would be funny. It wasn’t as she demolished the song and then spit and mimicked a cup adjustment. Classy. There have been several instances of people messing up the words, getting too nervous and tripping up, and even just straight up quitting in the middle of it. There are a few moments when someone nearby jumped in to help a struggling singer and that has taken a horrific moment and changed it to heartwarming. This video is the latter. At the Charlotte FC soccer home opener the singer was having technical difficulties with her microphone. Instead of boos being rained down on someone who had zero control over what was happening the crowd decided to continue singing! The stadium even kept the fireworks going in time with the crowd. What a great way to handle a tough situation!

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