Written by on March 14, 2022

We’ve all seen deer make incredible jumps. I’ve seen them jump over fences close to 6 feet tall and bound over gaps of several feet. I know people that have had deer literally jump over their car to have a better story than having hit the animal dead on. Any hunter can tell you a tale of seeing a deer make an incredible jump to escape being hung on their wall and not be able to believe they didn’t make their shot. Sometimes though the deer doesn’t make that jump. There was a picture circulating a few months ago of a deer up on South Ridge above Houston, MN that must not have seen the fence stake he got impaled on before passing away. That’s a sad story. Luckily I have a happier story of a deer in Texas. This one misjudged is ability to clear a privacy fence and got stuck. Lucky for him the home owner was able to stand on a folding chair and helped the deer get to the other side unscathed other than the terror of being stuck there.

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