Written by on April 12, 2022

How many times have you seen someone not operating their vehicle properly and looked at them and wondered how they got a license? Then you suddenly see the flashing red and blues and feel some redemption as they get pulled over. Now imagine you see a car not doing something right and the police pull them over, but when you look at the driver’s seat ……. there’s no one there! Someday that might not be as surprising as it is right now. Self driving vehicles are on the rise and there are companies looking to improve on them more and more. More fuel efficient, safer, and comfortable for people to use them. A video has been making the rounds of some officers pulling over a taxi cab in San Francisco and as they approach they notice no one in the driver seat. As they head back to their squad the car suddenly takes off again as if fleeing the scene. The officers get it to stop in less than half a block, but are confused as to what it going on. Apparently, no one told them about the self driving cars that are used as a drive service. These cars do not have a driver at all and are fully automated. So when they pulled it over you can understand their confusion when they can’t find a perpetrator to talk with. From what I can hear on the video it sounds like a few passersby help them figure out the situation and they all have a good laugh over it. My only question is this: who gets the ticket?

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