Written by on April 19, 2022

We all know Marvel Superhero movies still rule the theaters. Some characters are bigger than others and some more loved. When “Thor” first came out in 2011 with Chris Hemsworth fans were interested to see what the character would be like with a relative unknown actor as the main character. Thor was a hard headed warrior that was basically a spoiled brat. He was hard to find lovable or endearing for the first two solo movies he was in. He also showed up in “The Avengers” movie as well as the character that just thought how he would deal with the problem was the only way. There were few moments of levity around the character. Then in 2017 “Thor: Ragnarok” came out and everything seemed to change. Director Taika Waititi used Hemsworth’s ability to be uncomfortably funny and charming to the next level and put a colorful, fun, but not hokey movie around the character that really helped him become more likable that carried onto the next Avengers movies. Yesterday the trailer for the next movie “Thor: Love and Thunder” came out and it set the internet ablaze with buzz! The power of the Marvel movies is that comic book fans and casual fans love these movies and their characters, and Hemsworth’s ability to be both the tough action star and a comedian has made him more lovable. I feel excited to see this movie and got a few good laughs out of the trailer that makes me look forward to July 8th even more.

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