Written by on May 12, 2022

We live in an age where people use social media more than most mediums to promote items or themselves. Videos of them telling jokes, making fun of their pets, doing extreme stunts, and dancing. Dancing seems to be the best way to go viral. There are thousands of videos of people doing the exact same dance or their own variation. Some are done to perfection while others are perfectly horrible. Walker Hayes used his dance moves along with his song “Fancy Like”, which he’ll be bringing to Country Boom this summer to skyrocket his career. With inspiration though there comes imitation to try to duplicate similar success. Chris Janson has decided to foray (although I think it’s tongue in cheek) into the viral Tik Tok dance world with his new song “Keys To The Country”. What happens in this video can only be compared to your drunk uncle at the wedding dance after his fourth shot of Wild Turkey and just before he demands the DJ play “All My Rowdy Friends (Are Coming Over Tonight” and yells that they don’t play enough Hank Jr. on the damn radio. It truly is a sight and we’ll see if it catches on and people take the #KeysToTheCountry challenge. For all our sake’s, I very much hope they do.

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