Written by on May 23, 2022

Every year for the last 47 years Saturday Night Live has been giving us memorable characters, skits, and political jabs. Every year a “Not Ready for Prime Time Player”or two leave the show. Sometimes it’s unnoticed because it was just a featured player and not a main cast member. Every so often though one of the big names leaves the show to accolades and memories of the skits and characters they were most known for. This weekend saw the departure of four cast members including some of the bigger names. Kate McKinnon is probably the biggest name as her 10 years on SNL have been full of characters and impressions that have become iconic. She has portrayed several characters and impersonated several famous people both in Hollywood and in politics including Jodi Foster and Justin Beiber to Elizabeth Warren, Kelly Anne Conway, Rudy Giuliani, and Chief Justicew Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Pete Davidson has been a somewhat controversial player in that he had some struggles that he been pretty open about and has, at times barely appeared on the show. His most famous character is Chad, a completely unaffected dude that laughs at inappropriate moments. Aidy Bryant has also been on the show for 10 years and has graced us with characters like 7th grader Carrie Krum, barfly Bunny, teenage talk show sidekick Morgan, and political individuals Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Ted Cruz. Kyle Mooney didn’t have many memorable characters or skits but was a great straight man in skits or as playing the uncomfortable character from time to time. His most loved character is a tough talking, cocky Baby Yoda from the Star Wars show “The Mandalorian” who has a beef with Baby Groot from Marvel. Needless to say these will be some tough shoes to fill for the returning cast members and any new comers to the show. Other than Mooney, they each had their own send off skit.

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