Written by on June 20, 2022

My one concern when going out hiking when we went up north was running into wildlife that didn’t want us in their woods. Now, I wasn’t nervous or terrified to go out there, but it was something we all should be aware of when heading out into nature. Bears are always the subject of people being killed or stalked in the woods for the most part. Growing up there was always some show that showed people being trapped or chased by a bear in the woods. Now there are actual videos of this happening to people in real life. I’ve seen bear in the wild, but from a safe distance in the safety of a vehicle. Never has it been standing there with nowhere to hide or run to. This video popped up of a young family with multiple kids hiking and a bear joining them on the trail. the family seems very calm, especially the young boy that asks if it’s time to play dead. Mom does what they tell you to do which is be loud as that tends to scare them off. What would you do in this situation? Would you stay this calm?

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