Written by on June 23, 2022

I’ve seen many movies where the World’s Fair has been featured or at least played upon. The World’s Fair, sometimes referred to as an exhibition has usually been an extravagant affair since 1851. Just like any fair there are usually rides and food to enjoy, but the main draw is the exhibits from multiple countries that highlight existing achievements or future developments. They then last from 3-6 months so you have plenty of time to get to it or go more than once. A few movies that have highlighted the America having it has been “Iron Man 2” and “Men In Black” both making it plot points for their story. The last time the World’s Fair was held in North America was in New Orleans in 1984, but that run may soon come to an end. Bloomington, Minnesota – the home of the Mall Of America is making a push to bring the 2027 Fair to the state. They need to have it that far out in order to plan and build the location. It wouldn’t be good for just Minnesota but for the Mid-West as a whole as people from around the world would be traveling to see the Fair and travel to neighboring states. After the success of hosting the Super Bowl in 2017, multiple college Final Fours, and other large events the Twin Cities has proven they can handle this international event. It sure would be cool to be able to take the family to an event like this!

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