Written by on October 14, 2022

There are certain traditions that should live forever: trick-or-treating, turkey at Thanksgiving, leaving cookies out for Santa, looking for your hidden Easter basket, and adult beverages at St. Patrick’s Day. Growing up we all have traditions that have changed or been altered slightly to accommodate a myriad of reasons. Growing up this was the time of year that was must watch TV because of the cartoon holiday specials! It all kicked off with in October with “The Bugs Bunny Howl-oween Special” and “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. You pulled up the TV tray with a snack (maybe even a Dolly Madison Zinger) a Mtn. Dew and stared at the wonder of Halloween on your TV. Even as a teenager we got together as friends to watch them and just hang out. We’ve even shared those evenings with our kids over the years. However, a few years ago the Peanuts gang got bought out by Apple TV and they were only going to have ITGPCH on line! Blasphemy! So many people got up in arms over it that they allowed the it and the following holiday shows on PBS. Childhoods all over the world were saved. Until this year when someone posted the question on Twitter and PBS Kids responded that they did not have the rights this year. Unless you recorded it last year or have purchased it on VHS/DVD you will have to get Apple TV to watch your favorite gang of kids enjoy the holidays this year. Sorry, that you went to the door expecting chocolate, bubble gum, or those fruit flavored Tootsie Rolls, but instead ….. you got a rock.

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