Written by on December 7, 2022

Most seeing this weren’t alive during World War 2 or even shortly thereafter. Those that were are at or near 100 years old now and passing away every day. WWII is probably one of the most talked about and romanticized of all the wars to happen. There are so many heroic stories and epic battles to talk about that there have been several movies and TV shows made about real life stories or fictionalized ones. It all started on December 7th, 1941 when Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor Naval yards in an attempt to cripple America’s Naval fleet. While it was one of the most devastating and deadly attacks ever carried out on US soil it was also the stick poke to the “sleeping giant” that awoke and helped end what some called the war to end all wars. To this day people still travel to Hawaii to observe and pay homage to the souls still buried inside the hulls of several sunken ships with the most famous being the USS Arizona. It was this generation’s version of 9/11 that unified the Nation and, in some ways the world to put an end to the evil that had risen in Europe. There are a few movies that show what happened that day and what happened next with some liberties taken. The Michael Bay movie “Pearl Harbor” is crammed with a cheesy love triangle story (which you can skip), but some of the characters are real life people and heroes and some of the events are portrayed with accuracy and with more back story. However, if you want to see a more accurate accounting watch “Midway (2019)” and see a portrayal of the attack and some of the stories about the men and women involved without the fluff. Most importantly today we remember those that lost their lives and those that fought to restore and maintain freedom in World War 2.

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