Written by on January 3, 2023

If you’ve ever heard the drop of a lady saying, “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays”, a man yelling about how he’s good with people, or not having enough “flair” then you know why it feels good to be a gangster. The cult classic “Office Space” has inspired a glut of quotes to deal with the life of a cubicle worker that was predominant in the 90s. They also carry over into real life with some moments just being relatable to the characters in that movie. The disaffected workers in the film decide they’re tired of being told that all they can do is work and decide to hatch a plan to get what they feel they are owed. They notice a fraction of a cent is lost in the company’s transactions. So, they make that fraction go to a separate account they plan to use to disappear with and the company will be none the ware of their shenanigans. It took a few years since the 1999 movie, but Ermenildo Valdez Castro decided he would try something similar with his employer, Zulily. Now I don’t know if he ever had a beef with a printer or had his red Swingline stapler taken from him, but he should have gotten out sooner rather than later. He got busted and what’s funny is he literally had the plan on his computer called “OfficeSpace Project”. He didn’t decide he just didn’t want to show up anymore, they fired him and he got arrested. Guess he should have burned the place down and had a margarita with no salt. You can read more about it by clicking the picture below.

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