Written by on January 9, 2023

When’s the last time you dialed 411 Information or zero for an operator on your phone? For most it has been quite a while since they used that service. Just 10-15 years ago you maybe started dialing it less because your phone stored everyone’s number. Before that you may have called them to find a phone number or get help connecting you to someone you were trying to reach. Remember calling the movie theater for movie times or calling Movie Phone in the late 90s and early 2000s? Now, we don’t have to do that with the advent of Google and the ever present apps on our phones. Slowly the service has been dwindling as less and less people are calling on for help. For most, this isn’t going to affect them much and the younger you are the less you care, or even know about/what 411 is. While it is inevitable that 411 will do the way of the pager there are some that still use and need the service. Mostly the elderly are the ones affected as there are a good number that don’t use a computer or have a smart phone. As someone that worked for the phone company for a few years it is sad to think of those that might be losing their jobs. However, that is the price of technology and advancement at times. Hopefully those still in that job have somewhere else to go to put their skills to use.

You can click this link to see the whole story. cnn.combusiness/telephone-operators-411

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