Written by on February 7, 2023

We always hear the jokes about pregnant women and the strange food combinations or cravings that they have. Most of those have a bit of “old wives tale” to them. Then there are the strange combinations of food that are regional, but not crazy and we discover to be quite good. However, there are people out there combining foods in confusing and not appetizing ways. We’re going beyond dipping fries into your chocolate shake territory here. While this list has some that just don’t sound good to me personally they also don’t seem too crazy either. Putting sauerkraut on salt and vinegar chips is not my jam, but it doesn’t sound as crazy as putting chili on a cinnamon roll. Nope. Take a look and see if there are any you would or wouldn’t try and ones that you can at least accept as viable combinations. This list is thanks to a poll on Reddit.

Here are 20 weird food combinations people swear are good . . .

1.  Corn Flakes on ice cream.

2.  Tuna sandwich with barbecue chips inside.

3.  Strawberry jam on a fried egg.

4.  Salt-and-vinegar chips topped with sauerkraut.

5.  Chili on a cinnamon roll.

6.  Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.  Peanut butter was a big ingredient in general.  People also said peanut butter on pancakes, and a PB&J with tortillas instead of bread.

7.  Cream cheese and sautéed onions on a hot dog.  That’s actually something called a “Seattle Dog.”

8.  Fries dipped in soy sauce.

9.  Fries dipped in mashed potatoes and gravy.

10.  Mashed potatoes with chicken noodle soup instead of gravy.

11.  Cereal with yogurt instead of milk.

12.  Pinto beans mixed with cottage cheese.

13.  Cottage cheese rolled up with baloney, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

14.  Baby carrots dipped in ketchup.

15.  Pringles dipped in chocolate pudding.

16.  Fritos dipped in applesauce.

17.  Warm milk with pepper and cinnamon mixed in.

18.  Popcorn and grapes.

19.  Kiwis, but leave the skin on.  The skin is actually good for you.

20.  Shove a big pretzel stick in a banana.  Someone’s grandma called it “Bananas with Bones.”  Reddit has now renamed it “BONE-anas.” 

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