Written by on February 22, 2023

The weather is…terrible. That’s not the real problem though. The problem is we take too much time complaining about it. In the tri-states we run the gamut of freezing cold with a windchill to hot as heck with humidity when it comes to our seasons. Somewhere in the middle is perfect Fall and Spring days when we really soak it in. When life gives you lemons, or in this case a landscape of snowdrifts you have to take the time to see what you can do with it to make a bowl full of iced lemonade. Fitting that today is National Margarita Day and lemons and limes are just what you need to make a great tasting drink. You’re stuck inside and everything has been canceled due to the weather so you might as well take advantage and make a pitcher of citrus filled concoction with a shot or two of tequila. Just turn up the heat bit higher, throw on some shorts and a tank top and stare out the window and imagine the snow if actually a white sandy beach. Take a sip and think say, “You know what? This isn’t so bad!” Make that sick day or carry over day of vacation REALLY count because you’re not truly sick, you’re not driving in this stuff, and you have a tasty beverage! You’re telling me that you have to work today, but tomorrow is your free day? No problem! Tomorrow is National Toast, National Chili, and National Banana Bread Days which is perfect! Those are wonderful foods for a cold, snowy day that give you ultimate comfort where instead of turning up the heat you snuggle up in a blanket and enjoy the falling snow and appreciate that even though it’s a pain to shovel and drive through it can make for a beautiful landscape. If you did everything right you still have some margaritas left from the day before to wash that all down. See?! It’s not so bad after all if you just learn to roll with it and take advantage of these lesser known holidays and make them be a celebration of you. You’ve earned it! So let’s all head to Margaritaville and realize it’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere and slip into a world of drinks, denial, and dream power. Might as well take Friday off too just because.

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