Written by on April 13, 2023

It’s not often we see people take action when something needs to get done. It seems the thought is that famous people do this even less because of their status. Don’t let the haters out there fool you. There are a number of famous people that put in hard, physical labor to get things taken care of or to help out. We just don’t always hear about it. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a more than just an actor or a politician putting out content for likes and clicks, he truly puts himself out there and puts in the work others don’t. Nothing is beneath him when it comes to getting something accomplished for the benefit of all involved or affected. There has been a pothole preying on his neighborhood’s bike and car tires and he had enough of it! For three weeks no one would come fix it. So, he and some other neighbors got together and got the materials themselves and fixed the gaping pothole themselves. Some people came by and thanked them while they did it and it looked like they did a pretty fair job. While the city might not be super happy about it simply due to regulations and whatnot everyone else is happy because they just got it done. If the pothole ever returns I’m sure Arnold … will be back!

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