Written by on June 5, 2023

If you don’t know what Zillow is then you’re probably not over 45 years old going down real estate rabbit holes looking at homes you wish you could afford. You don’t even have to be actively looking for a new home. You just start looking at homes near you and suddenly you’re checking out some one bedroom shack in Hawaii that would cost $50,000 in Winona County but for some reason costs $1 million dollars and you’re showing it to your significant other trying to wrap your head around it. It can be uplifting and ultimately depressing at the same time as you see what you cannot afford in your area, but can afford it somewhere you never want to live. Every once in awhile a property hits Zillow that everyone starts to share with their friends and coworkers that basically goes viral and ends up on the Twitter feed of Zillow Gone Wild where you can see everything from famous people’s houses, to castles, to any manner of absurd price of configuration. A mansion in Winona has suddenly become one of those listings that have people outside the area and from our area asking, “Where the heck is that???!!!” Needless to say if you want to buy this mansion in Winona you’re going to have some work to do both inside and out to get it back to its former grandeur and maybe get ready for a big heating and cooling bill. Knowing the history of this mansion would probably be worth the investigation.

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