Written by on June 8, 2023

For the last few weeks there has been a haze over much of the area. Air quality warnings have been part of the weather reports. Why? Because smoke from wildfires in Canada has been pushed down towards the United States. It has caused hazy sights over much of the mid-west and onto the eastern seaboard. I saw some footage from New York showing the bridge slowly disappearing as the air quality got more polluted and caused the sky to change color. The fires have gotten so bad with the prevailing smoke that Chris Stapleton had to close down a show in Syracuse, New York. Smoke of that density just isn’t safe for anyone to be out in and it increases with those that have respiratory issues. Hopefully, the firefighters with our neighbors to the north can get ahead of the fires and put them out soon. You can see New York disappear in a video shared below.

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