Written by on June 16, 2023

Every once in awhile we get to see a video of an everyday person doing something heroic or brave. They didn’t have to do what they did, but they reacted to a situation and saved or protected someone. We’ve seen punches thrown, cars or trucks used to block in someone, and on rare occasions someone that has a conceal and carry permit helps foil someone. Pretty sure this is a first in heroic efforts. In Moline Illinois a man was having some sort of episode and was randomly damaging property by throwing rocks at houses and windows. There are a few men following him waiting for the authorities to show up, I can understand them not trying to tackle the man themselves because he looks like he is rather large and strong. They keep their distance. That is except for one guy that has had enough and he runs the assailant over with his golf cart. He does it without remorse and doesn’t say a word. He gets out and stands there as the golf cart holds down the threat. GOLF CART MAN!

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