Written by admin on June 21, 2023
We’ve heard this for decades now: don’t use laser pointers on people that are doing their job. Really at any time, but it has to be stressed for those working because it can cause them or someone else to get hurt. The two places you hear it the most is during sporting events where there is documentation of people pointing them at quarterbacks to mess with them. The other is airplanes and their pilots. When laser pointers first came out to help professors show you on a white board where they wanted you to focus folks quickly found out how powerful they really were. People talked about they could see them from miles away as their friend turned one one. They wondered if they could reach airplanes and the answer was, yes. Quickly there were news stories telling people to stop that because they could cause a plane to crash. Then, when 9/11 happened there was an even larger crackdown. Apparently, it’s still an issue with the only change being that if you are stupid enough to do this that the FBI will find you and it may be very quickly. This pilot talks about the dangers of “lasering” a plane and the consequences that can be precise and swift.