Written by on July 12, 2023

Records are made to be broken. True, although sometimes they first have to be established. Somewhere at sometime with someone many people dressed up as Dolly Parton and set a record for the most people dressed that way at one place. It seems a like an odd yet fun record to set. No one really gets harmed by it and it is unique. That brings us back to the first line. If this happened anywhere in America I probably wouldn’t be too surprised because we are known for doing weird stuff like this. I was a bit surprised when I read that a town in Ireland broke the Most People Dressed Like Dolly Parton In One Place record. What makes this challenge even better is that you have to dress like Dolly did in a public setting or in a movie to make it legitimate. That way you’re not just throwing on a blonde wig and standing there claiming to be the epitome of the current Queen of Country Music. While this is a world record that Guinness World Records has validated and accepted it is still a pretty fringe record to accomplish. Good for them though and their notion to think outside the box and their own country for inspiration! Now if only they had England dress up a comparable number of Kenny Rogers and they all sang Islands In The Stream. Who cares if they’re in the ocean?

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