Written by on July 27, 2023

Every year it seems we are treated to a new video of someone doing something they think is safe. They decide that the perfect picture for their Instagram is a close up of a wild animal. What usually happens is them going viral being in a video of that same animal chasing or attacking them. It seems like most humans can never learn. No matter how adorable or majestic an animal may look they are still wild and will protect themselves if they feel threatened whether your intentions are good or not. Sea dwelling animals are no different and can be just as dangerous. Sea lions often look cute but they are large animals that will attack you just the same a s a buffalo, dog, or land based lion. Some folks in San Diego found that out first hand when they were observing some sea lions at a cove and got dangerously close. One of the sea lions charges them and sends them scurrying for safety as some kids in the crowd scream in fear. I understand how wonderful it is to see animals in the wild and want to get a great picture of them. However, you are putting yourself and your kids in real danger by being that close with no escape route. No one cares if your picture is better than your friend’s on social media if you’re dead.

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