Written by on August 21, 2023

Let me preface this post by saying that if the ambulance driver was just parked on break that maybe a different spot may have been a better idea. HOWEVER, emergency vehicles sometimes have to park in places that may seem inconvenient due to their size or for safety reasons. They don’t just park where they are without reason. And if you think this is the only time someone complains about emergency vehicles parked somewhere that they don’t like let me tell you that any emergency responder can tell you that is not the case. I’ve experienced and heard other stories of people mad at emergency vehicles while they are parked at an active scene. While we understand that your house is on the other side of where we are that firetruck blocking the road is making sure that the ambulance crew doesn’t get run over while they help someone in need. We understand that we may be blocking a parking spot or driveway, or business entrance but we need our vehicle and equipment as close as possible. What burns me here is she is ranting about the vehicle being in the bike lane and she is literally the only person within miles of it on a rainy day. Also, you have no idea what that person sitting up there has encountered on their shift or if they realized where they were sitting. The stress put on small town volunteer EMTs can be a lot, but I’m 100% sure that in San Francisco it is much higher and most days unrelenting. Those workers don’t deserve to be talked to like that especially for something as simply solved as this. The tirade she goes on is the height of over dramatic and disrespectful. You can almost see the look of the EMS worker go straight to depressed at the woman’s screams. I feel bad for that person as they may have had the worst professional day in their career and I’m sure she made them feel so much better. They aren’t killing you ma’am, those are the people that show up and sometimes put themselves in danger to save you.

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