Written by on August 31, 2023

So it’s last call and that stranger down the bar is starting to look mighty good. You used to be able to chalk that up to “beer goggles”, but it actually might just be you.

A recent study had subject look at random photos and rate how attractive the person in the picture was. They did find that folks found them more attractive after a few drinks. But there was an added step.

This time, it was closer to the actual experience of being a single person at a bar. And volunteers were told they’d be MEETING the people in the photos. For some reason, that made a difference.  Being sober or drunk didn’t matter.  They rated people’s looks the same either way.

But they did find that alcohol did give the subjects, “liquid courage”. After rating the photos, volunteers were asked to pick the people they wanted to meet in person. And after a few drinks, they were almost twice as likely to choose the ones they’d rated as being the most attractive.

Read the full story here.

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